National budget of R2.6 billion proposed for 2010
Budget address on November 30
The national budget for 2010, which was published as a supplement to the Official Gazette dated Monday November 16, 2009, will amount to R2,631,033,000.
The 2010 Budget is expected to be read on Monday November 30.
The biggest shares of the budget will go to benefits and approved programmes of the Social Security Fund (R351 million) and social programmes from central development (R339.2 million).
The sum of R254.6 million will cater for transfers to the public sector.
The ministry with the biggest allocation remains Health and Social Development (R325,958,000), followed by the Ministry of Education with R258,691,000.
Following is the table of allocation of authorised expenditure as proposed in the Appropriation Bill 2010:
Allocation of authorised expenditure | R’000 |
President’s Office | 36,171 |
Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources & Transport | 154,321 |
Ministry of Finance, Trade & Industries | 39,723 |
Department of Defence | 87,152 |
Department of Legal Affairs | 12,800 |
Seychelles Revenue Commission | 47,614 |
Department of Risk & Disaster Management | 4,929 |
Department of Information & Public Relations | 561 |
Ministry of Education | 258,691 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | 38,376 |
Ministry of Health & Social Development | 325,958 |
Ministry of National Development | 51,218 |
Department of Public Administration | 24,339 |
Department of Police | 97,826 |
Ministry of Employment & Human Resources Development | 18,849 |
Ministry of Community Development, Youth, Sports & Culture | 52,499 |
Department of Internal Affairs | 18,961 |
Department of Prison | 23,445 |
Office of the Ombudsman | 1,271 |
Constitutional Appointments Authority | 571 |
Office of the Public Service Appeals Board | 456 |
The Judiciary | 24,409 |
Office of the Auditor General | 4,694 |
National Assembly | 13,561 |
Electoral Commissioner’s Office | 1,441 |
Other wages and salaries | 119,812 |
Other goods and services | 14,960 |
Social programmes from central government | 339,247 |
Transfers to public sector | 254,648 |
Others | 11,545 |
Provision for arrears | 100,000 |
Contingency | 100,000 |
Benefits and approved programmes of Social Security Fund | 350,985 |
TOTAL 2,631,033