President sets up new national energy body
President James Michel has set up the Seychelles Energy Commission, which will begin work tomorrow on all aspects of planning, development and training in the energy sector.
At the same time, the portfolio responsibility for the energy sector is transferred to the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Transport.
Philippe Morin has been appointed as chairman and chief executive of the new commission, the functions of which will be to:
● Oversee the management and development of the energy sector nationally;
● Formulate policies to plan and carry out a comprehensive programme for the efficient supply and economical use of various energy resources in the country, including the development of renewable energy;
● Develop and oversee national energy policies and programmes;
● Monitor and co-ordinate the performance of the energy sector to ensure compliance with energy policies;
● Promote training, research and development, and advise the government on all issues relevant to the energy sector;
● Liaise with various international agencies through the government on energy-related issues.